Pop Culture Roundup March 12, 2007

Fred Hembeck chats with the ghost of Captain America.


No! Not you!


Instant Karma is an all-star tribute/benefit album of John Lennon covers, with proceeds going to relief efforts in Dafur. Included is a newly recorded version of "#9 Dream" by R.E.M. featuring the band's original drummer Bill Berry. The album is out June 12.


The Jack Kirby Museum is 98 percent done scanning the more than 5,000 pencil-art pages in its archives, John Morrow reports.

For those not familiar with what we’re doing, Jack Kirby xeroxed most of his pencil art, prior to inking, from the early 1970s-on, in case anything ever got lost in the mail on the way to the inker, or his publisher. Jack had xeroxes of some of his 1960s pencils in his files as well, and we’ve been scanning and archiving them for several years. There’s a level of urgency to it, because xerox machines of that era weren’t like today’s; they used technology much like the old Thermal Fax machines, with that greasy-feeling gray paper, and the copies are suseptible to fading when exposed to light over long periods. So this amazing record of Kirby’s pre-inked art was slowly fading away.

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