Remembering John

I got the news the next morning, Dec. 9, on the radio. And, just having turned 15 and being a fan who lived and breathed the Beatles, I was shattered.

It was a horrible awakening to how randomly cruel, insane and violent our world can be. Somebody I cared a lot about had been taken from me. Had been taken from us all.

On this day, I don't want to remember how it felt to hear the news or to re-hear news coverage of the event or, really, to relive it at all. It was bad enough to experience 25 years ago.

But I am meditating on how we're now living in a time of insane violence on a much larger scale--a war that's killed thousands of U.S. and Iraqi citizens, which was started by the United States and has no end in sight.

Any real tribute to John Lennon and what he held important needs to mention that fact.

Rather than dwell on past tragedies, we need to figure out how to end the ongoing, much larger one we're in the midst of now.

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