Lost clues: "Greatest Hits" ep. 21, season 3


Aware of the Others' plan to attack the beach camp, the crash survivors plan a counter-attack: They rig dynamite from the Black Rock ship to their tents, which will explode when the Others arrive.

At the same time, Sayid says he's trying to use Naomi's satellite phone to contact the rest of her crew. However, he can't get a signal.

Juliet reveals the Others' have been jamming all radio signals from the island. They're doing this with a counter signal broadcasted by a Dharma station called the Looking Glass, which is underwater off the coast of the island.

Desmond has a vision of Charlie flipping a switch, which somehow leads to the rescue of the crash survivors. The bad thing is, Desmond also sees Charlie drowning after he flips this switch.

Putting two and two together, Charlie figures he's destined to swim down to the Looking Glass and turn off the jamming signal, even if he dies in the process.

As Sayid, Jin and Bernard (man, haven't seen him in a while) stay behind to set off the explosives trap, Jack leads the other survivors away from the camp to, hopefully, await rescue.

Charlie and Desmond, meanwhile, paddle an outrigger canoe out to the site of the Looking Glass.

Desmond volunteers to go in Charlie's stead and is about to dive out of the canoe when Charlie knocks him unconscious with a paddle. He's determined to sacrifice himself. He dives down and gets inside the station but, it turns out, it's inhabited--two women with guns rush out toward him and he's captured.

Clues, observations, speculation:

* In season 1, Charlie tells Jack he can't swim. But apparently he can.

* Did Juliet know the Looking Glass was occupied when Charlie volunteered to swim down there? If so, she knew he was swimming into a trap. Can we really trust her? Or Jack, for that matter?

* Who are the women in the Looking Glass? Are they Others or remnants of the Dharma Initiative? They're dressed more like Others and it makes sense they would be since it sounded as if it was Ben's idea to run a jamming signal. Dharma folks would likely want the ability to communicate with the outside. Are they trapped down there because Locke blew up the Dharma sub?

* Or could the women be members of Naomi's rescue team?

* Any reason both are women?

* This woman looks like a bit like Cassidy, the mother of Sawyer's baby--the lady he conned.

* If the Others are in control of the Looking Glass, this means they must have staged a separate attack against Dharma to secure control of it, since the gas they released on the island wouldn't have harmed anyone underwater. Or, perhaps, the Looking Glass crew members were on the island at the time of the gas attack and were killed then.

* In the flashback, the woman Charlie saves from mugging is Sayid's girlfriend, Nadia. Is there a deeper story to the mugging--was it a simple purse-snatching or was the man trying to get something important from Nadia? Or was the whole thing set up to test Charlie?

* Will Charlie survive?

* What about Locke? Alive or dead? Will we see him again soon? I'm guessing he'll show up, in some form, right around cliffhanger time in next week's season ender.

* Richard Alpert starts to ask Ben if Locke saw Jacob, but it is cut off by Ben. People in the Others' camp are curious as to what happened to Locke. Will Ben maintain control over them?

* In Charlie's childhood flashback you can hear someone say "Desmond come here..." right before young Charlie jumps into the swimming pool.

* Did Alex kill Ben's bunny? The white rabbit is certainly an Alice in Wonderland, "Through the Looking Glass" reference.

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