Pop Culture Roundup Jan. 29, 2007

Datajunkie shares a spiffy batch of Wally Wood art from the old Galaxy sci-fi mag.


Ho hum. DC Comics stages another "big event" and kills off characters.


Variety has a little more info on the status of "Veronica Mars" on the CW:

"Pussycat Dolls Present: The Search for the Next Doll" bows March 6, and will air at 9 p.m. Tuesdays for eight weeks in place of "Veronica Mars" repeats. Music competition skein could benefit from airing in the hour after "American Idol" on Fox.

When "Veronica Mars" returns in April for its final five episodes this season, there will not be a continuing mystery storyline. Looking to try something different -- and in a bid to attract new viewers -- each episode will feature self-contained mysteries.

If they're well-received and ratings increase, "Veronica" could be back for a fifth season.

Last week's episode, the first after a long hiatus, wasn't bad, with some nice snappy dialogue. Still, the series isn't quit the gem it was during seasons 1 and 2. The transition to college has been tough, as has been the shift to a new network. No doubt, the show's always uncertain future has made the creators a bit insecure. It's hard to do good work when you're worrying when/if the axe will fall. A definitive commitment to a full season from the CW would've been nice.


Hey: Who did the cover art for this upcoming edition of Edgar Rice Burroughs' "A Princess of Mars" from Penguin Classics? Looks a bit like Gil Kane to me.

UPDATE: Waffyjon informs me the work is by the late Dave Cockrum! And, yeah, it certainly looks like his work. I should've known.


