Officially titled "Ringo," this show is sometimes called the "Ognir Rrats" special, since it featured the former Fab playing a character by that odd name (his own moniker spelled backwards), as well as himself.
Basically an excuse for some songs and comedy bits featuring Ringo and friends, the special had a very loose "Prince and the Pauper"-type plotline, with an unhappy-with-fame Ringo swapping places with a down-and-out doppleganger.
Guests included Ringo's old pal George Harrison along with John Ritter, Angie Dickinson, Mike Douglas, Art Carney, Carrie Fisher and Vincent Price.
Very silly. Very 70s. But surely there'd be at least a small market for it on DVD?
I haven't seen it since the day it first aired nearly 30 years ago and I'm fairly certain it's awful. But, still, at that time it was fun seeing Ringo being Ringo on TV, with George along for the ride. And it'd be fun to see it (maybe just) once again.
You can probably score a cruddy bootleg DVD or videotape of the show on eBay. I also found it, in two chunks, on the Web:
Basically an excuse for some songs and comedy bits featuring Ringo and friends, the special had a very loose "Prince and the Pauper"-type plotline, with an unhappy-with-fame Ringo swapping places with a down-and-out doppleganger.
Guests included Ringo's old pal George Harrison along with John Ritter, Angie Dickinson, Mike Douglas, Art Carney, Carrie Fisher and Vincent Price.
Very silly. Very 70s. But surely there'd be at least a small market for it on DVD?
I haven't seen it since the day it first aired nearly 30 years ago and I'm fairly certain it's awful. But, still, at that time it was fun seeing Ringo being Ringo on TV, with George along for the ride. And it'd be fun to see it (maybe just) once again.
You can probably score a cruddy bootleg DVD or videotape of the show on eBay. I also found it, in two chunks, on the Web:
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