Wonder Woman movie actress: More observations


Here's a look at the whole-screen image on the Wonder Woman site I just posted about. If you look closely at the brick wall on the lower-lefthand corner, you can see a "Batman: Dark Knight"-style Joker face.

I'm thinking this likely is an official site. But, then again, maybe the rest of the poster will come off and it'll be Sarah Palin.

Time will tell...




  1. Considering Bush isn't the most popular president and the main reason McCain is behind in the poles, I doubt it is a GOP thing. I mean they spent this whole time trying to avoid comparisons with Bush and now they do this with the first line on the poster being "Its time for a new W." I doubt it. If it has anything to do with Palin or the election then the woman in the poster is Tina Fey and it is a spoof. I say this is the latter or a legit surprise for DC fans. I guess we will find out soon.


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