Pop links: Santa songs, happy holidays with Bing and Frank, Cohen's Hallelujah chorus, Davy Graham remembered

WFMU's Beware of the Blog asks the musical question: Is Santa Claus a hippie?


Classic TV Showbiz presents "Happy Holidays with Bing and Frank" from 1957.


You can rest easy: "Howard the Duck" is finally coming to DVD.


What did Leonard Cohen mean when he wrote "Hallelujah," (now enjoying chart success in multiple cover versions) anyway? The BBC investigates.

...exactly how Christmassy is this song, with lines like "your faith was strong but you needed proof", where the singer is "not somebody who's seen the light"?

Well, while there's not a lot of "behold the Baby Jesus" and not a donkey in sight, there's certainly a lot of Bible in there - it's just that it's some of the raunchier and more violent episodes from the Christmas-free Old Testament.


Mojo mag remembers the great British guitarist Davy Graham, who passed away yesterday.

Here's Graham in a 1959 BBC TV documentary directed by Ken Russell.
