Pop links: New Hembeck, Macca on Colbert, post-apocalyptic TV pilot gets nod, National Geographic music,

Should be fun: Paul McCartney is set to appear on "The Colbert Report" tonight. You'll probably be able to catch it online later on.


"Day One," a post-apocalyptic future drama created by "Heroes" and "Lost" producer Jesse Alexander has been ordered by NBC.


The National Geographic is launching a world music label.


Fred Hembeck, who has a birthday coming up later this week, has posted some excellent comic book cover re-dos.



Speaking of comic book covers, it seems like everybody's trying to cash in on rampant Obamania what with the recent sold-out and sold-out-again-a-couple-more-times Amazing Spider-Man comic (although, it should be noted Image's Savage Dragon had the first Obama comic book cover). But this has got to be the weirdest, most random, most desperate attempt yet, from Moonstone's Captain Action #5, out in May:




  1. Actually, 18 months ago we had planned to have Captain Action save the life of the President in the last chapter in our 1st story arc.
    It was supposed to be Bush..but frankly, we've been late getting this book out.
    Once Obama won, cover artist Mark Sparacio suggested this cover.

    We will probably be the first comic to feature Biden;s Deputy National Security Advisor, Brian McKeon (just because he's an old friend!)


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