Pop links: Plastic Ono Band redux; Batcave garage sale; Flash Gordon comics; Hammer horror comics; Everett Raymond Kinstler

Yoko Ono is convening a new Plastic Ono Band to back her performance at the upcoming Meltdown Festival in London. Jazz legend Ornette Coleman, who Ono collaborated with back in her pre-John Lennon days, has selected those to perform, who also include Sean Lennon, Patti Smith and Robert Wyatt.


Adam West holds a Batcave garage sale:


Geek Orthodox shares some vintage Flash Gordon comic book covers.


Harry Green Eyeball presents a Brian Bolland-illustrated adaptation of Hammer Studio's "Vampire Circus" from 1978.


Golden Age Comic Book Stories pays tribute to pulp illustrator and comic book artist Everett Raymond Kinstler.
