Pop links: Remembering King Kirby! Kurtzman! Suggs! More!

Happy Jack Kirby Day! The great comic book artist and co-creator of the Hulk, Fantastic Four, X-Men and more would be 92 today. The Comics Reporter offers up a huge gallery of iconic images in tribute.

By the way, if you love Kirby--and don't own it already--get this:


More Kirby: Even the "King of Comics" had his role models, as the online Jack Kirby Museum points out. Dig this look at how art from a Hal Foster "Prince Valiant" strip likely inspired Kirby's Demon character. More here.


Shifting our attention to another funnybook genius, Pappy presents this suspenseful 1943 tale illustrated by the great Harvey Kurtzman.


Suggs, singer of the great British band Madness, has penned a book in tribute to his beloved London. One of my favorite cities too...

Armed with a spirit of adventure, a passion for London and a trusted A–Z, Suggs embarks on an unpredictable journey through the bustling main drags and little-known side streets to explore the eccentric story of his extraordinary home town. Having lived in London as man and boy, this is Suggs’s personal take on an ever-changing London, a city whose traditions and foibles are under threat from the march of time. From the suited and booted tailors of Savile Row to the sex traders of bohemian Soho, by way of quaint and quirky habitats, brilliant but beleaguered boozers, the exotic eateries that have made London a gastronomic heartland and a music scene that's both the envy of the world and dear to Suggs’s own heart, SUGGS AND THE CITY is a journey under the skin of a living, breathing city. It’s a guided tour of the quirks of its chaotic centre and the surprises of its sleepy suburbs. And it’s a love letter from one of its favourite sons.


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