Happy New Year! It's 1966!

Have you ever wondered what this blog looked like 50 years ago? Of course you have, and now you can see for yourself.

Today we launch Pop '66, our near real-time look at that most crucial of pop culture years. 1966 is the year the 1960s became "The Sixties" - the year of Batmania and spymania, mod fashion and culture, garage rock and the first glimmerings of psychedelia. The year of Galactus and the Silver Surfer and cool TV shows, movies and books galore.

We'll put it all on display, day-by-day, pretty much as it all rolled out so you can see this year of spectacular change unfold before you. And, at the end of 2016, our look at 1966 will end as well.

We must mention here, too, that fellow blogger Booksteve has been presenting his own look at 1966, his favorite year, for quite some time now. We highly encourage you to check it out.

It's not our intention to copy or compete with him in launching this new blog, but to provide another view on this incredible time period, which fascinates so many of us pop culture fans.

That said, you can start visiting Pop '66 here, now.


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