New on Video: 'The Giant Gila Monster' With Bonus Film, 'The Killer Shrews' (1959)

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The classic era of drive-in schlock was near its end in 1959, but there was still time for The Giant Gila Monster and The Killer Shrews, a pair of no-budget howlers from producer Gordon McLendon.

In The Giant Gila Monster, a lizard takes on a small town. If that's not enough for you, there are plenty of cool cars and some ersatz rock 'n' roll sung by the movie's star, Don Sullivan (The Monster of Piedras Blancas).

The Killer Shrews stars James Best (The Dukes of Hazard) as a riverboat pilot stuck on an island where the shrews are the size of German Shepherds. The cast includes Ken Curtis (Gunsmoke) and Ingrid Goude (Miss Universe, 1957).

These two features were originally released on a double-bill. 

Bonus features include: Both films are also offered in 4x3, in additional to the theatrical 16x9. , RAY KELLOGG-AN UNSUNG MASTER: A Ballyhoo Motion Pictures documentary written by C. Courtney Joyner and narrated by Larry Blamire, Full Commentary of The Killer Shrews by Professor and Film Scholar, Jason A. Ney, Full Color inserted booklet with essays by Don Stradley and Jason A. Ney, Full Commentary of The Giant Gila Monster by Larry Strothe, James Gonis, Shawn Sheridan, and Matt Weinhold from The Monster Party Podcast 
