Hey! I have a tip jar now!

You may have noticed, I have a tip jar now.

In well over a decade of blogging, I've never had one. But I have a tip jar now because I was thinking:

Why don't I have a tip jar (now)? After all, if a reader had the ability to tip even $5 to help me buy three-quarters of a pint of beer, that would make doing this blog a little more fun.

I put a lot of time into this thing, waking before dawn (this is not a joke) to peruse the Web for interesting pop culture news; keeping track of new comic book, music and book releases; finding Pop Pics, and putting up (I hope) entertaining posts like my look backs at comic book covers, song and album releases from 50 years ago (currently we're in 1974). Even a few pennies showing appreciation would be nice (but not necessary).

So, if you dig, have dug, or will dig hanging out at Pop Culture Safari! please note that I have a tip jar now.

Nothing is expected, but anything is appreciated. The main thing is you're here, and I hope that you'll keep coming back. Let's keep old school pop blogging alive! It's fun and it keeps us all out of trouble.

Thank you, readers!
