Sarah Michelle Gellar: Entertainment Weekly cover and interview

Entertainment Weekly heralds Sarah Michelle Gellar'swelcome return to TV with a cover story about her new series, "Ringer."

She thinks her fans will like Ringer, a smart and sudsy thriller in which she plays twins: Bridget, an ex-stripper on the run from the mob and the FBI, who takes to living as her unhappily married Manhattan socialite twin sister Siobhan after witnessing her sibling’s (apparent) death. Mastering the masquerade means unraveling Siobhan’s wealth of secrets (like an affair with her best friend’s husband) and dodging a mysterious assassin. “Ringer is the perfect balance of what audiences want to see me do,” says Gellar. “It’s Cruel Intentions meets Buffy.”

We'll see, I guess. As a big fan of "Buffy," I really hope it's good, as SMG is a talented actress and fun to watch. But managing to star in two great TV series is a hard trick to pull off.
