Pop Culture Roundup: Jose Garcia-Lopez; Harvey Kurtzman; Disneyland; Two-Face; Don Heck; Prince Valiant

The great comics artist Jose Garcia-Lopez celebrated his 70th birthday earlier this week. Tales from the Kryptonian pays tribute with a selection of his work.


Davy Crockett shares a selection of Prince Valiant comic book covers.


From 1977, it's the Nancy Drew-Hardy Boys Super Mag!


Via Pappy's Golden Age: A rare example of Mad Magazine founder Harvey Kurtzman drawing a straight superhero strip.


Via Gorillas Don't Blog: A Disneyland Hotel brochure from 1961.


Wait, which side of Two-Face's face is messed up???!!! Slay, Monstrobot investigates.


Blog recommendation: I've been liking Culture Shark, especially the weekly rankings of TV/movie streaming services, which highlight particular movies and show currently available via Amazon Prime, Hulu, Netflix, Filmstruck, etc. Check it out!


When sci-fi author Harlan Ellison insulted the work of comics artist Don Heck, there was Heck to pay.
