
Pulp cover parade

Video find: Documentary short on Donald Duck artist Carl Barks

Batman meets Doc Savage in upcoming DC special!

Vintage DC Comics house ad

Vintage DC Comics house ad

Vintage Boy Commandos comic book ad

Vintage DC Comics house ad

Vintage Marvel Comics house ad

Film noir movie posters: Pickup on South Street

Disneyland game box art

Pop links: Asterix! Robyn Hitchcock! Jack Cole!

New pics from Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland

New Prince of Persia pics

Fantagraphics to reprint Bushmiller's Nancy

Film noir movie posters: Murder My Sweet

Disneyland B coupon

Pop links: New Radiohead! Dr. Who meets Hamlet! Wally Wood's Captain Science! Adam West returns to Batman! Bob Dylan Christmas album?!!!!

Action figures: Doctor Who "Third Doctor" figures

Out-of-print reggae releases now on iTunes

New comics Aug. 5, 2009: Buffy! Flash of Two Worlds! Doom Patrol! Spidey! Subby! Torch! Young Allies! More!

Film noir movie posters: The Verdict

Disneyland Donald Duck card game

Pop links: Superman documentary! Buck Rogers discovers e-mail! Kirby Estate and Simon fighting over American?

CD new releases Aug. 3, 2009: Modest Mouse! G.I. Joe! Miracles! Brian Wilson! Jim James solo! More!

DVD new releases Aug. 4, 2009: Flight of the Conchords! Scewball icons! Daffy Duck! Elvis!

Disneyland Main Gate ticket