
Video find: Paul McCartney and Wings "Back to the Egg" TV special 1979

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Fab Friday: Revolver back cover photo shoot

New posters and pics from Captain America: Winter Soldier

Video find: William Shatner performs "Rocket Man" 1978

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Video find: The Association performs "Windy" 1967

New comics January 29, 2014: Superman Golden Age Sundays; X-Men Masterworks; Warlock by Jim Starlin; Ramona Fradon; Vampirella; Prince Valiant!

Today's best picture(s) ever: Mick Jagger

Video find: The Premiers perform "Farmer John" on American Bandstand 1964

Today's best picture ever: The Jackson Five

Video find: Rolling Stones TV promos for "Music Scene" 1969

Today's best picture ever: Alfred Hitchcock

Video find: The Psychedlic Experience short film 1965

Today's best picture ever: Jim Henson

Pop focus: Classic Corgi Bat-vehicles