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Eccleston still on for Prisoner remake? Plus McGoohan to guest!

More Incredible Hulk movie photos

Comics shipping April 30, 2008

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New sleestaks revealed!

Original Witch Mountain kids return in new film

Classics Illustrated comic reprints going strong

New Batman: The Dark Knight character posters

Lost preview May 15 - season-ender pt. 1!

CD new releases April 29, 2008

DVD new releases April 29, 2008

Comic book cover conventions: Let's get tall!

Mattel gets action figure rights to 3,000(!) DC Comics characters

Jack Kirby "Dieties" portfolio reprinted by Twomorrows Publishing

McGuinn: More unreleased Byrds on the way

New Batman: Dark Knight poster

Lost clues: The Shape of Things to Come ep. 9, season 4

New Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull pictures