
New comics Jan. 27, 2010

Pop links: The Who, The Fly, Bonanza star dies, New Andy Griffith Show

Jack Kirby King Arthur drawing up for bid

Lost Jan and Dean album on the way from Rhino?

Paperback cover parade: Haunted Lady by Mary Roberts Rinehart

Music new releases Jan. 26, 2010: Corinne Bailey Rae, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Magnetic Fields, Elvis soundtracks

DVD new releases Jan. 26, 2010: Michael Jackson This is It, Whip it, Paris Texas Criterion edition, Charlie Brown, Soul Power, more

Pop links: Sly Stone, Comic Book Confidential, Runaways docu-drama, Tennant TV plans, Creature from Black Lagoon comic, Specials U.S.-bound, Asterix

Paperback cover parade: The Green Girl

Beach Boy Heroes and Villains picture sleeve

Vintage comic book ad: The Big All-American Comic Book

Pseudo Teen Titans on Batman: Brave and the Bold--clip and pics

I mean, come on: Silly Black Cat "bust"