Extras detailed on upcoming "Batman," "Super Friends" DVDs

We'll see the third season of "Batman the Animated Series" and the second season of "Super Friends" out May 24.

According to Toon Zone, extras include:

  • Audio commentary on "Read My Lips" and "Harlequinade" by producer Bruce Timm, writer Paul Dini, director Boyd Kirkland and composer Shirley Walker.
  • Video commentary on "House and Garden" by most of the above.
  • "Gotham's New Knight" featurette on Batgirl.

Super Friends

  • "Pajama-Rama: Super Friends Retrospective": A group of pop culture enthusiasts and celebrities share their memories of the world's greatest team of '70's super-heroes.
  • Music Video: "The Ballad of Zan & Jayna."

Shooby Taylor truly is the Human Horn

Check it out.

Golden goodness

Heritage Auctions has a buncha new stuff up for bid, including original artwork for several of those comic art "portfolios" that were common in the early- mid-80s. This gem is from Michael Golden's "Doctor Strange" portfolio. What a great artist. I sure miss seeing his work regularly.

Heritage also is offering up artwork from the "Marvel Team-Up" portfolio (featuring work by Walt Simonson, John Byrne and others) "Black Widow" portfolio (Paul Gulacy), "Cloak and Dagger" portfolio (Rick Leonardi and Terry Austin), two "X-Men" portfolios by Fastner and Larsen, a "Batman" portfolio by Marshall Rodgers, and a couple of portfolios by Michael Kaluta.

Pop Artifact! G.I. Joe Deep Sea Diver

Pop Artifact! Captain Marvel Mechanix Illustrated ad

Meanwhile, in gratuitous Julie Newmar pics

Today in gratuitous pics of Julie Newmar

Here's the "King Kong" teaser poster

The new "Who"

Man, it's turning into Whoville around here today. From Moonie paper The Washington Times (actually it's a wire story), comes news that Scottish actor David Tennant, last seen in a BBC production of "Casonova" will be the 10th Doctor Who, after Christopher Eccleston bailed after only one serial.

The "Casonova" show was written by Russell T. Davies, who's scripting the new "Who" shows.

Tennant also will be seen as Barty Crouch Jr. in the upcoming "Harry Potter and Goblet of Fire."