
DVD and music new releases for Jan. 20, 2009

Bionic Woman Ryan the next Doctor Who companion?

DC Comics April 2009 solicitations: Warlord returns, Showcase Presents Super Friends, Golden Age Starman Archives, more

Inauguration Day music

Monsters Vs. Aliens movie pictures

Pop links: So long Dial B for Blog, Frankenstein fumetti

Spidey/Obama update

Pop links: George Herriman site, DC snubs Darwyn Cooke Wonder Woman comic, Sherlock's violin, fighting for Asterix

Prisoner actor McGoohan dies

Pop links: Milt Caniff mini-doc, musical Peanuts punchlines, classic Marvel Comics calendars

Batman: Brave and the Bold features Deadman, Gentleman Ghost, Green Arrow and Kamandi!

New comics Jan. 14, 2009: Spidey and Obama, Wonderful Wiz, more Bone, early Ditko

Pop links: Stan Lee profiled, Billie Holliday sings

43 years and STILL not on DVD: The Batman TV series

DVD, CD new releases Jan. 13, 2009:

Pop links: Marianne Faithfull 60s videos, comic sales up

Upcoming book: Marvel Comics in the 1960s

Pop links: 60s Britpop star Dave Dee passes, Ringo still angry, no Zep, Terry and the Pirates comic,

New music I like: Glen Campbell!

Bill Everett bio coming from Fantagraphics