
Pop links: Doctor Who injured! Monster cereal! Paul is live! Wednesday Comics collection news! Dollhouse survives...for now!

CD new releases Oct. 13, 2009: Dylan Christmas! Flaming Lips! Nellie McKay! Sherman Brothers! Brenda Holloway!

DVD new releases Oct. 13, 2009: Land of the Lost! Dylan documentary! Marvel DVD movie pack!

Hitchcock for Halloween: Vertigo movie stills

Pop links: Os Mutantes live! Sarah Jane Adventures! Pulp art! Batman! Hembeck! More!

Hitchcock for Halloween: Sir Alfred

Hitchcock for Halloween: The Birds promo pic

Hitchcock for Halloween: Paperback cover

Pop links: King Kong! Fifth Hitchhiker book! Twilight Zone comics!

Batman and OMAC team up on Batman: The Brave and the Bold

Toy Story 3 movie posters

Hitchcock for Halloween: Alfred Hitchcock game

Pop links: Syfy's Alice! Dr. Who production pics! Sgt. Pepper cover decoded! Upcoming Brian Wilson projects!

Hitchcock for Halloween: Sir Alfred

Pop links: Wolverine 2! Batman sings! Chabon's new book! Toth!

NPR asks who are your favorite singers?

New comics Oct. 7, 2009: Buffy! Batman and Robin! Ghost Rider! Walt Disney's Comics and Stories!

Hitchcock for Halloween: More Rear Window movie stills