
Coming soon: Mego-style Teen Titans figures

Preview of upcoming PBS Jimi Hendix documentary

Pop culture roundup: Woody Allen! George Harrison! Paul McCartney! Wolverton's Eye of Doom! Jack Kirby's S.H.I.E.L.D.! more!

Fab Friday: Vintage Beatles pics!

BBC Radio this week: Agatha Christie; H.G. Wells; Kate Bush; Stephen Fry!

Somebody's bright idea: Dalek Mr. Potato Head

New comics Sept. 25, 2013: Eerie Archives 14; Sin Titulo; Aparo Legends of the Dark Knight 2; Tales to Astonish Masterworks paperback; Archie 1,000-page Extravaganza!

Music new releases Sept. 24, 2013: Yoko Ono; Blitzen Trapper; Allen Toussaint; Watson Twins; The Band; Waitresses, more!