
Vintage movie poster: "The Electronic Monster"

New Comics Day April 11, 2018: Superman; Wonder Woman; Avengers; Moebius; EC Archives Extra

Vintage movie poster: "Fire Maidens from Outer Space"

Best comics covers of the week

New on Video: The Greatest Showman; Outlander Season 3

Vintage movie poster: "The Ghost of Dragstrip Hollow"

New trailer for "Solo: A Star War Wars Story"

Vintage movie poster: "Daddy-O"

Vintage movie poster: "Eight on the Lam"

New "Avengers: Infinity War" character posters

Comic art: Neal Adams and Dick Giordano "Batman: Stacked Cards" Power Records cover, 1975

New Music Friday April 6, 2018: Love; Supremes; Elvis Presley; Johnny Cash; Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong; Don Gibson