Showing posts with label Green Lantern. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Green Lantern. Show all posts

Neal Adams Green Lantern comics covers

The upcoming Green Lantern flick focuses on the more cosmic of the hero's adventures. But, in the comics, some of the best stories were well-grounded here on earth. During the early 1970s, writer Denny O'Neill and artist Neal Adams did an acclaimed run on the title, which paired Green Lantern with Green Arrow in a series of across-America adventures that touches on hot issues of the day: politics, the generation gap, the media, drug abuse and racism.

Here are some of Adams' covers from that time:

Green Lantern movie featurettes

Here are a couple of shorts videos about the making of the new Green Lantern flick:

Quick preview of upcoming Green Lantern animated series

This is pretty danged short, but provides a look at the Cartoon Network's upcoming Green Lantern series:

Green Lantern movie photos

Here are the first pics from the film starring Ryan Reyolds and Blake Lively:

New pics from Green Lantern: First Flight

Here are a couple of new images from the direct-to-DVD "Green Lantern: First Flight" film due out July 28.

New pics from Green Lantern First Flight

Here are a couple of new images from the upcoming straight-to-DVD feature "Green Lantern: First Flight."

New Green Lantern: First Flight trailer

I was just sent this official link for a trailer for the upcoming straight-to-DVD Green Lantern animated film, plus a new pic.