
Original comic book art: Jack Kirby's Captain America from 1976

New Doctor Who season 9 trailer

Christmas comes early: Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings announce holiday album

They made this: Marvel Comics Play-Doh "can heads"

New: Batman "morphing mugs"

Squeeze releases first album in 20 years

Kirby 4 Heroes helps comics creators in need

California museum launches Jack Kirby exhibit

New comics and more this week: Star Wars; Hellboy; Green Arrow; Superman; Daredevil; Agent Carter; Archie; Jeffrey Jones

Out now: Original "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" soundtrack by Carmen Dragon

Cool! Batman "to the Batcave!" set from Mattel

Comic Art: Batman turns the page

Teaser for HBO's "Westworld" series

New "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" TV spot

Pop Artifact:Unused Batman fruit drink carton

New Supergirl TV show promo

Pop Artifacts: Vintage Man from U.N.C.L.E. trading cards