
Video: The Sonics on KEXP

Merry Christmas, from Bing Crosby

David Tennant is a Scrooge (McDuck)

Merry Christmas, from Canada Dry

New Music Dec. 16, 2016: The Kinks; Don Rich

Listen now: BBC Radio adapts James Bond: Thunderball

Pop Culture Roundup: Wonder Woman; Richard Kyle; James Bond; John Buscema; Jack Kirby

Upcoming comics collections

Video: The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe, read by Neil Gaiman

I really can't wait for this new Star Wars movie!

Merry Christmas, from Batman and Robin

Merry Christmas, from the cast of "Bewitched"

New Comics Dec. 14, 2016: Buffy; Spider-Man; Justice League, more

Merry Christmas, from Campbell's soup

Merry Christmas, from Bing Crosby

Vintage pics: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer TV special

Merry Christmas, from Betty Grable

Trailer: "Sherlock" series 4

New Music I Like: "White Lines" by the Traffic

Merry Christmas, from 7-Up