
Best comics covers of the week

Pop Pic: Dan Blocker

Pop Pic: Dale Evans

Video Find: The Beach Boys and Andy Williams perform "Little CYCLE"

Time Capsule: Jimi Hendrix concert poster, May 3, 1969

New Music Friday: Stereolab; Rhiannon Giddens; Gang of Four; Little Steven and the Disciples of Soul; Pete Seeger

Pop Culture Roundup: Encyclopedia Brown; Frank Zappa; The Shadow

Time Capsule: Magazine covers from May 1969

Vintage Ad: The Zombies "Imagine the Swan" - artwork by Murphy Anderson

Trailer: The return of "Veronica Mars"

New Comics Day: Ms. Marvel Epic Collection; Walt Disney's Uncle Scrooge - "The Mines Of King Solomon"

Rolling Stones' "Rock and Roll Circus" coming in new video/audio editions

New on Video: Never-Ending Man: Hayao Miyazaki

Bob Dylan teases "Rolling Thunder Revue" box with unreleased tune